Dec 14, 2020 /
Finger Lakes Silver Linings: Gratitude in 2020
When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Isn’t that what they say?Whatever quick catch phrase works for you in 2020, one thing for certain came out of the trials and tribulations of this year… The collective spirit of creativity and ingenuity was kicked into high gear in the Finger Lakes. And with that ingenuity came the understanding that there is opportunity in times of need.The pandemic has, without doubt, impacted this region of New York State just like it has all over the country and like other tourism destinations, this area has found ways to “fight the good fight” together and rally around each other in support, collaboration and compassion.Without exception, communities in this pristine region of New York put policies, procedures and sheer determination into play, creating partnerships to not only help keep each other safe but also encourage people to ‘shop local’ and ‘shop safe.’We’re going to tell you about a few communities, specific businesses and efforts within the Finger Lakes region that got creative and collaborative to support their local businesses.Gratitude to all and remember….there are always Silver Linings!Cortland County Comeback – Cortland CountyCortland County brought its government, Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Promotion Agency and municipalities together to create a partnership with the goals of keeping the community aware of Covid-19 updates and to share safety measures that all businesses could put into place to encourage local safe shopping.The benchmark of success in times of need like this one depend upon collaborations and that’s exactly what this community did. A universal logo was created to bring instant awareness to the effort and various programs like an art contest of kids. Local business will have coloring sheets available for pick-up and children can create art featuring county landmarks. Winners will have their art turned into decals that will be on display in business windows. What a great way to get the community into local businesses and to be prideful of the place they call home. More