Celebrating women all year long.
Just because the Finger Lakes region is the heart of women’s history in the United States doesn’t mean it’s all in the past. Exhibitions, workshops, festivals, and more celebrate women past and present all year long.
Many of the area’s museums have permanent and rotating exhibits honoring the historic changemakers of the Finger Lakes. Local women in the craft beverage industry celebrate at brewfests. Female restaurateurs and chefs cherish the region’s local cuisine with seasonal dishes and special menus. Creative artists put their work on display and also invite folks into their studios to learn their crafts.
Women continue to do amazing years on every day of the calendar.
Brave Women Week
What better place to have a week filled with events honoring women than the birthplace of the women’s rights movement? Women-owned businesses across the Finger Lakes region schedule a plethora of themed events and specials.

Let the Women Do
the Planning
No matter what type of activity strikes your fancy, women throughout the Finger Lakes have events planned for you. Whether honoring the historic changemakers from the past or blazing new trails of activities for the future, you can fill your calendar with women-centric events in the FLX.