Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906)
Legendary suffragist. Abolitionist. Civil Rights leader.
Allow us to introduce you to the boss lady of women’s suffrage. Susan B. Anthony lived and breathed the movement for 40 years, making her home the hub for planning strategies, organizing campaigns, writing speeches, and preparing petitions. She knew that without the right to vote women would keep fighting the same battles for equality over and over again. (If she only knew how much this is still happening.) Her bold activism resulted in her arrest and a controversial (aka rigged) local trial that gained legal scrutiny and national attention. This profile in courage would not be deterred from her fight to guarantee that “the right to vote shall not be denied on account of sex.” The 19th Amendment, which became widely known as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment, was passed in 1920, fourteen years after her death. You can visit her home, museum, and gravesite in Rochester, New York, and also the nearby courthouse where her trial took place.